Parent Portal
Welcome to the new Ascender Parent Portal -- the online parent portal provided by SGISD. By logging on to Ascender Parent Portal, parents can view their child's academic progress at any time. Communication and parental involvement is vital to each student's success. We hope that this online access will allow parents the opportunity to keep up with their student's progress on a more frequent basis. Additionally, Ascender Parent Portal is the vehicle for guardians to register their children for school.
To begin using Ascender Parent Portal, the parents or legal guardians must obtain a parent portal letter which contains a unique parent portal ID for their child along with specific directions for registering. The parent portal IDs from the old txConnect Parent Portal are no longer valid. Please note that SGISD, Pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten classes do paper progress monitoring and report cards and do not utilize an electronic gradebook. Therefore, parents of students in those grades will not be able to view academic grades online. However, the attendance features will still be accessible.
As always, we welcome your comments. If you have questions on how to use Ascender Parent Portal, please feel free to contact your child's school office. Below are the phone numbers for each campus:
- Academy High School
361-384-5041 - SGS Junior High School & Elementary
Online Registration Directions